Penny's Starburst
Penny's Starburst was born on April 8, 2023. She was 5.5 ounces at birth. Starburst is a solid ruby girl. All babies are spoken for in this litter. If you would be interested in getting a cavalier baby from a future litter, please fill out the form on our "Contact Page".
Starburst Weighed 5.5 Ounces at Birth
Starburst Weighed 7.8 Ounces at One Week
Starburst Weighed 12.6 Ounces at Two Weeks
Starburst Weighed 1 Pound 3.5 Ounces at Three Weeks
Starburst Weighed 1 Pound 8.0 Ounces at Four Weeks
Starburst Weighed 2 Pounds 0.9 Ounces at Five Weeks
Starburst Weighed 2 Pounds 6.0 Ounces at Six Weeks
Starburst Weighed 2 Pounds 11.2 Ounces at Seven Weeks
Starburst Weighed 2 Pounds 15.2 Ounces at Eight Weeks