Booty's Woody
Booty's Woody was born on October 3, 2022. He is a gorgeous black and tan male with an adorable white streak down his neck and on a few feet. Woody was 5.3 ounces at birth. He is living a very royal life down in South Carolina. Woody's very royal name is now Sir Bosley the Black of House Pickerell First of His Name..... but just Bosley for short. He is quite the pampered little boy. Loves chewing up everything he finds, and then gives the most innocent look when his mom questions him.
Woody Weighed 8.9 Ounces at One Week
Woody Weighed 1 Pound 1.2 Ounces at Two Weeks
Woody Weighed 1 Pound 7.0 Ounces at Three Weeks
Woody Weighed 1 Pounds 12.7 Ounces at Four Weeks
Woody Weighed 2 Pounds 2.1 Ounces at Five Weeks
Woody Weighed 2 Pounds 9.1 Ounces at Six Weeks
Woody Weighed 3 Pounds 0.1 Ounces at Seven Weeks
Woody Weighed 3 Pounds 5.1 Ounces at Eight Weeks