Booty's Rex
Booty's Rex was born on October 3, 2022. He is a gorgeous little solid black and tan male. Rex was 5.9 ounces at birth. He is being loved at spoiled by not only his human parents, but everyone he meets while on his travels in Pennsylvania. Rex has been given the absolute charming name of Atticus. I am always getting the most adorable updates on his new adventures. From their favorite coffee shop to Wendy's for a burger and fries, Atticus is always right there with his parents. He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his sister within the next year.
Rex Weighed 11.2 Ounces at One Week
Rex Weighed 1 Pound 2.3 Ounces at Two Weeks
Rex Weighed 1 Pounds 7.3 Ounces at Three Weeks
Rex Weighed 1 Pounce 13.5 Ounces at Four Weeks
Rex Weighed 2 Pounds 5.2 Ounces at Five Weeks
Rex Weighed 3 Pounds 0.8 Ounces at Six Weeks
Rex Weighed 3 Pounds 9.5 Ounces at Seven Weeks
Rex Weighed 4 Pounds 2.8 Ounces at Eight Weeks