Booty's Jesse
Booty's Jesse was born on October 3, 2022. She is a beautiful solid ruby female. Jesse was born at 4.7 ounces. She may have been the smallest in the litter, but she was the first to open her eyes, and started trying to find her feet right at two weeks old. She is living a very pampered life with her mom and dad in Georgia. Her has been given the cutest name, Rossa. She is named after her mom's best friend, who is now watching over them in heaven.
Jesse Weighed 8.6 Ounces at One Week
Jesse Weighed 15.5 Ounces at Two Weeks
Jesse Weighed 1 Pounds 6.5 Ounces at Three Weeks
Jesse Weighed 1 Pound 12.3 Ounces at Four Weeks
Jesse Weighed 2 Pounds 0.0 Ounces at Five Weeks
Jesse Weighed 2 Pounds 7.1 Ounces at Six Weeks
Jesse Weighed 2 Pounds 10.9 Ounces at Seven Weeks
Jesse Weighed 3 Pounds 0.6 at Eight Weeks