Penny's Pranee
Penny's Pranee was born on April 30, 2022. She is a beautiful little ruby girl. Pranee is absolutely loving life in Indiana with all of her fur siblings and human sisters and brothers. She absolutely loves going on camping trips with all of her family. Pranee now goes by the adorable name of Ruby.
Pranee Weighed 7.0 Ounces at Birth
Pranee Weighed 12.3 Ounces at One Week
Pranee Weighed 1 Pound 2.9 Ounces at Two Weeks
Pranee Weighed 1 Pound 11.0 Ounces at Three Weeks
Pranee Weighed 2 Pounds 2.7 Ounces at Four Weeks
Pranee Weighed 2 Pounds 7.9 Ounces at Five Weeks
Pranee Weighed 2 Pounds 15.8 Ounces at Six Weeks
Pranee Weighed 3 Pounds 9.9 Ounces at Seven Weeks
Pranee Weighed 3 Pounds 14.2 Ounces at Eight Weeks
Pranee Weighed 4 Pounds 3.6 Ounces at Nine Weeks